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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  October 18, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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were heard to say, if you've got a church, you didn't build that. [laughter] with or without all the dignitaries here, the al smith dinner lives up to its billings. usually when i get invited to gatherings like this, it's just do be the designated driver. [laughter] as president obama surveys the waldorf banquet room, with everyone in white tie and finnerry, you have to wonder what he's thinking. so little time, so much to redistribute. [laughter] >> now, win or lose, this is my last political campaign. so i'm trying to drink it all in. unfortunately mayor bloomberg will only let me have 16 ounces of it. that's okay. i'm still making most of my time in the city. earlier today i went shopping at some stores in midtown. i understand governor romney went shopping for some stores in midtown. [laughter] of course the economy's on
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everybody's minds. the unemployment rate is at its lowest level since i took office. i don't have a joke here. i just thought it would be useful to remind everybody, that the unemployment rate is at the lowest it's been since i took office. [applause] it's been four years since i was last at the al smith dinner. i have to admit some things have changed since then. i've heard some people say, barack, you're not as young as you used to be. where's that golden smile? where's that pep in your step? i say, settle down, joe, i'm trying to run a cabinet meeting here. [laughter] >> greta: the new york archdiocese event benefits needy children. it's been a required stop for politicians since the end of world war ii. every four years the gala becomes a lighthearted pit stop for presidential candidates. you'll see more of both speeches later. right now if you thought the white house couldn't handle the libya disaster any worse, you thought wrong. you're not going to believe what
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president obama just said. he told "the daily show's" jon stewart in reference to the killings in libya that when four americans get killed, it is not optimal. senators john mccain and kelly ayotte are here to talk about that. first it's happening again, governor mitt romney starting to see a surge from the debate. >> by the way, the new gallup poll is outs, and it's rom plus seven. this is not -- it is romney plus seven. this does not yet include that seven-day rolling average. romney is 52-45 over obama in the rolling gallup daily tracking. so i think obama, you need to keep talking about these binders. you need to keep talking about big bird. you need to keep talking about these insulting infantile irrelevant things. >> what president obama has been
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trying do from the spring on is not to offer the country a vision forward, it is not to say here's how we get out of debt, here's how we grow the economy, but just don't like mitt romney. he's basically trying do disqualify his opponent with his sea of negativity. he's trying to distract this country. he's trying to divide this country, pitsing people against each other. he is trying to win this election by default. >> i don't want you to go tell any undecided voter that we think things are hunky dory. we don't. i want you to tell the undecided voter it's a long, slow climb to build a new prosperity for the 21st century after this crash, but we're at least climbing, not trying to drive us back in the other direction. >> obama kept talking about what he's going to do. i kept saying, why doesn't he do it? he doesn't do it. he does negative things like
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obamacare. he talks, but nothing happens. the country is in a very, very bad state. >> i did not want to do this thing. this was a hard thing for me to decide to do again. >> the campaign? >> for the family to have to go through this. the children have a hard time with it. i have a hard time with it. yet i felt as though there was something my husband could offer this country that was uniquely his, that he could bring better economic hope and prosperity to women and men and all americans. >> when a politician tells you, he's going to wait until after the election, it's not because their plan is so good that they don't want to spoil the secret. that's usually not what's going on. in this case, just about everybody who's looked at his tax plan says he can't pay for it without blowing a hole in the deficit or raising your tax, raising taxes on the middle class. don't boo. vote.
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>> if you think these four years have been bad economically, and in sense of economic destruction and the retransfer -- the transformation of the country from a superpower to and also ran, if you think it's been bad in these four years, you have no idea what the next four are, and he doesn't dare tell you. >> greta: tonight governor romney's national lead is growing. according to the latest gallup poll, governor romney leading president obama by seven points, 52% to 45%. now these results are now factoring in voter opinion following the last debate. dick morris, author of the book "here come the black helicopters" joins us. dick, before we get to the gallup poll, i want to ask you, we've just learned that the "orlando sentinel" is now endorsing governor mitt romney. four years ago they endorsed president obama, and in a very impressive editorial, which i'm posting on, and
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they've outed why they no longer have confidence in president obama. how significant is that endorsements, or is it? >> i don't think newspaper endorsements mean much of anything anymore, but that's a leftest newspaper. they've always endorsed democrats. they may have switched editors or something. i think romney will win florida, win most states. >> greta: now to the gallup poll, seven points. that's the national one. not talking about the swing states, which is where this will be decided. explain whether or not that seven points really is as powerful as some might think. >> oh, yeah, it is. what gallup did, they switched from polling all voters to polling likely voters as the election neared. that gives a more realistic view of what will happen. what's going on now is that obama based his entire campaign, his entire spring and summer and fall on discrediting romney,
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saying whatever you think of the economy, whatever you think about the future, whatever you think about obamacare, you don't want this guy as president. cheats on his taxes, lays people off, called him cold-hearted, and you just don't want him near the white house. for a long time the voters in the swing states bought that, because it was pounded into them in paid advertising. hundreds of millions of dollars. and the romney campaign ridiculously didn't answer it, but now voters are seeing romney for the first time, 90 minutes of him twice now, and they're really learning that he's a nice guy, that he's a reasonable guy. he's not going to blow anything up. he's not a heartless guy. he cares. he understands the needs of the average person. he shows an empathy that's very important. we're dismissing the obama negatives. once you take away those negatives, there's nothing holding obama up, because he has neglected to spell out a narrative of what he's done over four years, if he could, and
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certainly neglected to give a vision for a second term. the most telling fact in the postdebate polling with cnn, asking people, who do you think spelled out a clear vision for america's future regardless of who you're voting for? obama 34, romney 50. huge, huge difference there. >> greta: it's interesting. that's even sort one of the objections to president obama by the "orlando sentinel," is that he talks about how the fact that even programs like medicare and medicaid, social security, three of the biggest drivers of deficit spending, that president obama would be more credible in critiquing the proposal if he had a serious alternative for bringing entitlement spending under control. he doesn't. they're critical of the fact that he's not offering anything. >> which has doubled entitlement spend will. by that i don't mean social security. i mean welfare spending, medicaid, food stamps, all that stuff. in the video, introing my
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segment, something was saying he won't tell you what les going to do in the second term, obama won't, because he doesn't dare. we had an inkling of that today when temperatures reported that the united nations general assembly later this month will pass a global small arms treaty, which we warn about in our book "screwed" and the new one, "black helmets." helicopters, " creating gun control in the united states by treaty. you're looking at a whole series of treaties he has lined up to try to shove through during lame duck days of his presidency, during the lame duck senate, where he will still have a majority, really to strip america of much of its sovereignty. let them tax the internet. they're about to impose a fee for going to google. >> greta: i don't think voters are looking at that. >> well, they're not, because obama hid that. >> greta: even if you look at this "orlando sentinel" thing,
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which reflects on what you said, it said it verges on magical thinking to expect president obama do get different results in the next four years. this is a blistering -- >> i don't know if it's magical or maniacal. what's the description of sanity? to do the same thing twice and expect a different outcome. >> greta: indeed. dick, thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: governor romney has momentum, but still has one more debate with president obama. that's monday night. what does mitt romney have to do to stop the president in his tracks? strategist joe trippi joins us now. >> they can start spike the football the way the obama campaign was doing before the first debate. this thing can change very abruptly, just as quickly as the first debate changed it, so too could either a bad performance by romney. actually i think it will take a bad performance by romney to change the dynamics of the race.
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we saw what happens when basically think it's a tie. it doesn't seem to change the polling numbers or affect the race very much. i think that's what the president's got to come in and try to score some points. >> when you look at the electoral college map, which matters, and i know you put one together every week for bret baier, you can be ahead by seven points in the national poll, but you won't necessarily win the electoral college map, where it counts. >> first of all, the gallup poll's got him up by seven points, but there's margin of error in that thing, first of all. nationally, you're right, greta, it doesn't matter. there's 10, 12 states that these guys are pounding each other away in. you know, when an event like that first debate changes things, think about the 32 states that have never seen an ad, never seen any of candidates unless they stopped for a fundraiser. so they see that big change -- they all watched. it was a huge audience. they decide they're changing.
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so who cares, though, if five points get lost by obama in california or four points get gained by romney in texas? it matters ohio, virginia, florida, nevada, colorado, iowa, new hampshire. i mean, i may have left one out. wisconsin. those are the states that are going to matter. that's why in these debates, you see each one of them mentioning the mother in ohio that they -- that they saw. they're talking about the demographic they want to reach, which is, by the way, their fighting over women right now. after that -- before the first debate, obama was winning by 14 points. after the first debate, it's romney scored and pick up a lot of women. i think obama can win women back. i think that's what this -- that's what big bird's been about. a lot of the debate's been about it. >> greta: bring women back, but they've been running on this romney binder thing. look, it's not scientific. women i know in fox, out of fox,
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they're, like, we're not that stupid, to think a binder of women thing is -- oh, he said, "binder of women," now we don't like that guy. we're not that stupid. all the things women have struggled for in this country, that made me think less of that campaign. >> greta: you know, at the convention, i love women or we love women, i mean, it sort of just -- you know, it's sort of over the top, sort of grabbing for it. that's what they're fighting over. if ryan held women largely in that second debate, i think, because of biden's performance, biden may have won on the policy argument, but all that sort of smirking and tough, i think, turned people off. and so ryan was able to hold women that romney had -- with his performance that pulled them in, and now look, this is what -- this is what the last 18 days are going to be about. can obama open up the gender gap
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again with women and -- or can romney hold him? that's what this next debate's going to be. i sound like a broken record, but -- >> i actually think the comedy tonight gave both men to give us a chance to see them in a different way. i think the bar was set low for governor romney. i don't think many people think he's a -- >> they were surprised. >> they were surprised he was funny. >> yeah. i was surprised that he was funny. i thought they were both very funny. >> greta: but we've seen president obama be very funny. >> yes. no. that's what i'm saying. women are -- it's that likability factor, it's that who do you trust thing. they've always had a mistrust. the obama campaign is very adept at setting some sort of a mistrust of romney that i think got shattered to some extent in that first debate. >> greta: i tell you, the binder and the women, you know, if that's the worst thing that happens to us women, you know -- >> well, there are policies that
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obama's going to be able to come -- you know, they try to -- i agree that was -- >> greta: didn't work at least with me. joe, nice to see you. >> good to be with you. >> greta: straight ahead, voter fraud it's a giant danger in a close election. what is a swing state to stop fraud? "on the record" goes to ohio to investigate. that's next. also, did president obama just make the libya mess even worse? he told "the daily show's" jon stewart that when four americans get killed it is not optimal. senators john mccain and kelly ayotte are here to talk about it. ive. meet the five-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max says ha. c-max says wheeee. which is what you get, don't you see? cause c-max has lots more horsepower than prius v, a hybrid that c-max also bests in mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid.
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superior service best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> greta: voter fraud is a big concern in this tight presidential race. the risk is growing with more early and absentee voting. just this week in ohio three people were charged with illegal voting. so what is that key swing state doing to prevent future fraud? griff jenkins hit the road to find out. >> we're in ohio, where the fight for 18 electoral votes is heating up, and not surprisingly talking concerns over voter fraud, intimidation, and suppression have all made headlines. in fact this week here in franklin county, three people were indicted for voter fraud, which is a felony. we hit the ground to find out more, starting with the secretary of state. >> when you're ohio, you expect controversy. you're a swing state. you know it's coming. you know the lawsuits are
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coming. so we learned from every four years how to make our system better. >> is voter freud a problem in this state? it's hard to prove, but something in ohio that did come up in a few counties, there are more voters who are registered than there are people eligible to vote in those counties. and that really raises a flag, if you will. >> where does that stand? >> well, where that stands is the secretary of state, john hughes, petitioned the white house, the attorney general, for help, for guidance on this issue, what to do, and never heard back. so he's trying to figure out what to do on his own. >> are there stories of corruption, people breaking the law, voter fraud? >> well, we have three cases right in franklin county, which is where the state capital is, of voters alleged to have voted twice under slightly different names. these are emerging cases of fraud that are being discovered. we don't have any evidence of widespread fraud, but there are isolated cases like these that
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are beginning to emerge, and we're going to do everything in our power to investigating and make sure that we send a clear message that we want everybody who's legally allowed to vote to vote, but if you break the law we're going to pursue it and we're going to prosecute. >> we're always concerned about potential voter fraud here in the county at the board of elections. we take it very seriously, looking and reviewing all aspects of the election process, to determine that all votes that are being counted are legitimate votes, and we strive for voter integrity and ethics. there's a period of time where you can actually vote as well as still register to vote. so there's an overgap -- >> at the same time? >> at the same time. there's a gap where you can come in and not be verified as to your actual residence for a seven-day period. we do have controls in place, and do our due diligence, i'm
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sure, that we catch those people that might not live where they say they do during that week period. right now we are reviewing up to 64 people that we have sent acknowledgment cards to and then have been returned to us undeliverable. >> that's interesting. what you're saying is, there are potential 64 cases of fraud in this cycle already? >> yes, potentially so. even more. >> billboards like this one, paid for by an anonymous source, have begun showing up across ohio, particularly in minority neighborhoods, and has some democrats like phyllis cleveland upset about it. >> we think the placement of the message is strategic, intended to intimidate people who live in these communities to not exercise their right to vote. >> so you see this sign actually as a form of voter intimidation or suppression? >> absolutely, absolutely. that's what it is. the message may seem innocuous on the terms, but when you look at the placement, you don't find these in affluent communities like west lake or rocky river
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here in the cleveland area, or beachwood. they're finding them in communities like this. >> if you're going to commit fraud, we're going investigate and we're going prosecute. we're going to send that message. i think that will have a chilling effect on anybody in this state that wants to cast an illegal ballot. >> greta: up next, senators john mccain and kelly ayotte. they were already steamed about the white house response to libya. now the president saying this when four americans get killed it is not optimal. you'll hear from the two senators next. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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>> greta: just when you thought president obama's response to the libya attack couldn't get worse, well, it just did. tonight president obama making a comment he probably wishes he had not. on "the daily show" in reference to the killings in libya, the president saying that when four americans get killed it's not optimal. we spoke with senators john mccain and kelly ayotte about the white house's botched handling of libya. >libya. nice to see both of you. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: the administration is now saying the reason we didn't hear more information is because he wanted to wait until he had the correct information, but for the first two weeks all we got was misinformation having to do with the videotape and a protest that never happened. that's perplexing. now today president obama in an interview on a comedy channel, "the daily show" with jon stewart, said when four americans get killed it's not
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optimal. it's a very poor choice of words. i'm curious what your response to that is, a thought about it. >> well, even from someone like president, who has never known what these kinds of tragedies are about, the service and sacrifice that people make, it's still just -- you know, i can't even get angry. it's just so inappropriate. i'm sure that families of those brave americans are not amused. >> greta: senator ayotte, you know, i don't mean to get stuck on this, because, you know, people can say -- can be sloppy in their speech, but this statement, when four americans get killed it's not optimal, and the whole handling of this has been so perplexing, do you have any idea why the administration has been so, for lack of a better word, weird about getting the right information out to us, instead giving us misinformation? >> no, greta. i have to say the president's
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statement today was quite astounding. you know, the murder of four americans of course is tragic and totally unacceptable. that's what we would expect to hear from our commander in chief. i'm concerned this is part of a bigger pattern. you remember the leaking that they did when things went well, including how quickly they got the information out about seal team six with the bin laden raid, and here we are a situation for two weeks, the administration fails to come out, and in multiple changing stories, fails to come out and call what this was from the beginning, a terrorist attack of course wine al-qaed by an al-qa, it's disturbing, and there are questions the president needs to answer about this. >> i would like to say, the president on that comedy show, he said, you know, there are screw-ups and then we fix them. he didn't talk about responsibility, because the responsibility is his. we want to know what the
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president knew, with when he knew it, what did he do about it? because the facts are irrefutable that it was absolutely clear within hours to parts of the intelligence coming up, and any observer, that this was not a spontaneous demonstration. not when mortars and rocket-propelled grenades are used in a rather sophisticated attack. the sunday i was on another network, they had susan rice out there, five days afterwards, saying this malarkey, this baloney, about it was triggered by -- the demonstration triggered by a hateful video. immediately after that program, it was "face the nation," they had the president of the legislative assemble i assembly, who said, we know this is al-qaeda, a terrorist attack. the president days later goes on "letterman" and "the view" and keeps working on the same issue.
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whether he actually meant there in the rose garden terrorist attack or not, it's pretty obvious to me that he was not freezing that attack when he said we condemn terrorist attackers but even if he did what is the excuse for days later going on every show in america as the president and sa this is a spontaneous demonstration triggered by a video? we want to know what he knew, when he knew it. if it was intelligence people who told him otherwise, what in the world were they doing and who are they and who is being held responsible? >> let's not forget, greta, about the attack on the consulate in june that apparently blew a hole in the security perimeter that 40 people could go through. was that brought to the president's attention? i'd be knocked it wasn't in his daily intelligence briefing with the deteriorating security situation in banghazi. what did he know about it? this is so important, because the american people deserve to hear it straight about what happened. >> there was an attack in june,
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in april. the british ambassador was attacked. the british closed their consulate. the red cross left banghazi. and as lieutenant colonel wood said, we were going to be the last flag standing in banghazi, and he said the attack was, quote, inevitable. now that is a massive intelligence failure. now, the president may not have known whether 16 people or 18 people were extended or not, but wasn't he told about this deteriorating situation in banghazi? >> greta: what do you think? what do you make ever secretary of state hillary clinton saying that the buck stops here? she was in south america the last couple day, and she said she's one who accepts full responsibility and the buck stops with her. >> we appreciate that secretary clinton said that, but the bottom line is obviously she's trying to cover for the president and the vice president here. ultimately it is the president's responsibility for the security of the american people. the questions that we've raised about the deteriorating securities situation in
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banghazi, he has to answer those. why wasn't it? you know, why were the overall -- you know, why wasn't there more attention paid to what was happening in libya? unfortunately, greta, it's a symptom of a greater problem of what we see happening in the middle east. also iraq is deteriorating with al-qaeda coming back vehemently. in syria, the failure of leadership there, empowering iran. russia is continuing to provide arms in syria. this leading from behind does not work in terms of making sure that america is safe. >> the reality is that al-qaeda is -- is coming back everywhere. in northern africa, in mali. they've virtually taken over. they've doubled in iraq, that the president brags about. they've got training camps in western iraq, that the stalemates over iran, 30,000 people being massacred in syria, and the president does nothing about it, while more jihadists flock into the country.
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this is unraveling, and it's a failure of leadership. i think the american people ought to know about it. >> greta: you know, i can't figure out if he in this story if he's been uninformed, misinformed, detached, incompetent in how he handled it, or whether with it's a political motive to try to hide it from the american people, or is there any other choice? >> let me say, as far as banghazi is concerned, either two things -- willfully deceiving the american people in hopes that it would drag out past the election or a degree of incompetence that can only -- responsibility for which can only come to president's desk. >> let's not forget, this didn't just fit their narrative, because the president has been saying al-qaeda is on the run, bin laden is dead. i think what happened is when they realized it's a terrorist attack by al-qaeda on the consulate in libya, that wasn't fitting, what the administration was trying to portray in this campaign, and i think that's a very serious problem.
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that has to be answered as well, why were these changing stories, why did they come out, and what did the. know about all of this? >> greta: senators, thank you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: coming up, an act of terror. those words sparking fireworks at the debate. now president obama misspeaks about libya again. our panel is here next. in two minutes, oops, he did it again. vice president biden sticks his foot in his mouth. not just once, but twice. you'll hear the double gaffeem yourself just two minutes away. 5-hour energy supports the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care.
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growing it's no secret vice president joe biden is prone to gaffes, but today while speaking in las vegas the vice president sticking his foot in his mouth, not once, but twice. here's what he said. >> how many of you know someone to served in iraq or iran? [applause] how many of you know someone who has been injured or lost in iraq or iran? >> greta: that's right. the vice president said iran,
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with the senate majority leader leader raising his hand in the back. we're sure he didn't mean it, despite what he said at the debate. >> the vice president sometimes knows that sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way. >> but i always say what i mean. >> greta: what do you think of the vice president's habit of misspeaking? is it a big deal or no big deal? go to and tell us. we're back in two.
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>> greta: president obama gets into trouble over libya. our political panel is here in 60 seconds, but first our new york newsroom where mary ann radarti is spanning into a. >> some 14,000 documents outlining decades of suspected child abuse and cover-ups are now public. the oregon supreme court ordering the scouts to release the so-called per investigation files, detailing allegations of abuse over three decades and show that in many cases nobody
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contacted police. in other instances, law enforcement officers looked the other way. in lacks confirming a definite link between the deadly meningitis outbreak and steroid shots made at a massachusetts pharmaceutical company. centers for disease control and food and drug administration saying they found funning gas in unopened vials of the medication. more than 250 people in 16 states have been infected with fungal meningitis since the outbreak began. another 20 have died. i'm mary ann rafferty. now back to "on the record." >> greta: the president telling jon stewart when four americans get killed, it's not optimal. rick, i should add that this hasn't aired, but your thoughts? >> i think it was in response to
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a question that jon stewart said the response was not optimal, but those words are clearly not optimal. >> greta: i've not that much. it says every piece of information wetting, as we got it, we laid out to the american people. that's president obama. the picture gets fully filled in. here's what i say, when four americans get killed, it's not optimal. >> right. jon stewart's question, he was playing off the optimal word. not an optimal response clearly from the president. this whole libya situation is a big target, generated and grown over time for the president over the last month. romney had opportunities at the debate to hit it. we're republicans are jumping into the fray and heading it more firmly. it is because of the response, because of the different explanations, regardless of what happened in the debate, it is a big target for republicans to exploit and make a question of leadership. >> well, what the president said, before the optimal part, is a bigger problem, suggesting
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they put out all the information that they had, that it was accurate, when in fact we know they stuck to the movie story long after they knew it was an act of terrorism, and also at a time when the state department was refusing to answer questions, and only let out some information when a house committee got on their tail. so i think what he said before i guess a bigger problem than the use of the word optimal. >> i think both. a political problem, you don't want to say the word optimal, it's like bumps in the road, in that sense, even if he was responding to a question -- >> greta: i'd rather say binders of women. i mean, seriously in these are four dead americans, and if you don't show more -- look, i know he cares about them, but the words he chose were bad. >> terrible. >> governor romney did this a couple weeks ago in iowa when he was asked about whether he had legislative proposals about abortion. he said no. he used the word legislative, and that was his answer. it became a flap for two days. i expect the same thing will happen here, with president obama's use of the word optimal,
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and people will go back and say in the "60 minutes" interview you talk about bumps in the road. this is much more than bumps in the road. i agree with byron, the bigger problem is there are so many unanswered questions right now. i mean, easy questions to answer, simple questions that the white house could answer at anytime. >> greta: what's the big thing? >> you don't answer the questions if you can't give a good answer. i mean, i think they have a real problem right now. when did the president find out this wasn't about the video? that should be easy. there are documents. we know that will show up in his daily threat brief, the relationship products. the intelligence community offered the president at some time a real reading of what happened. it has a date on it. why can't we know that? >> because they want to keep it quiet until the election. >> exactly. >> this is the piece that mitt romney has not been able to hit square on. he's tried a couple of different times because of various missteps, some wording mistakes that he made during the debate. s he's tried to get at that central question, but distracted
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by it time and again. >> greta: president obama's not to get it on the "the view" very much, not going to get it on "david letterman, not with jon stewart. didn't it the other night. >> and he's not taking reporters' questions on it. >> greta: we'll take a quick braying. stand by, panel. which candidate get the job done in the debate? that's next. [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people like you, are choosing advil® because helps you keep doing what you love. no wonder it's america's #1 selling pain reliever. you took action, you took advil®. and we thank you. is a thrilling, dual-flavored ride to mouth fun-town. but it's not like everyone is going to break into a karaoke jam session. ♪ this will literally probably never happen.
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cares about. the rnc blasting president obama on job creation. >> candy, there are some jobs that won't come back. >> which presidential candidate has the advantage when it's comes to the failing economy? >> there's a right plan to the fix the economy. >> we need a president who will finally works for your family. >> change has come to america. >> there's some jobs that are not going to come back. >> greta: we're back with our political panel. jobs. >> well, mitt romney's campaign has already cut an ad from the debate with a pretty eloquent statement that romney made about the obama economic record at that time. i think this is actually a little unfair in the sense that i think most people agree there
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are some jobs that are not coming back. and but it does portray, it gives mitt romney the optimistic high ground and makes obama look like a pessimist. >> greta: with all the suppliesing and cutting, editing, almost every single ad that's put out, it's a little bit slippery on both sides. >> just in they'd arí>4sr subtle a point for a political ad. >> you're right on the substance, but if you're making this case at a think tank have done diskly, remind barack obama of 2008, what he said, how much time he spent this campaign
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explaining what he said during the last campaign hasn't come to pass. that's the sum and substance of the way president obama is running. message. when they highlight it like that, it drivers the message home. >> the other thing undercutting the message, is the economy getting better. at the same time voters are getting more comfortable with mitt romney. they're also getting more comfortable with the obama economy. i think any opportunity you have to highlight problems in that economy, things that obama has said that don't reflect well on his vision for the future, that's a good opportunity for republicans. >> he says it all the time, at the al smith dinner tonight, obama said that the unemployment rate is the lowest since he took office. he said, i don't have a joke. i just wanted to say that. >> greta: will will they have ao get between now and election. almost like a vegas lottery. >> another joke tonight, are you better off than four weeks ago? if that's the measure you can
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use, at least they can make the argument we're moving in the right direction. >> greta: gentlemen, thank you. coming up, governor romney and president obama sharing the staple stage, but this time it wasn't a debate. it was a comedy. more of the funniest moments. that's next.e. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth!
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>> greta: time for last call, president obama and governor romney sharing the stage in a charity dinner. they put aside campaign for come yesterdayy. >> tonight days to go until the finish line. debates are exciting. just the other night we had a fun debate. candy crowley was there. people seemed to be curious how we prepared for the debates. let me tell you what i do. refrain from alcohol for 65 years before the debate. second, find the biggest available straw man, then just attack him. big bird didn't see it coming. and by the way, in the spirit
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of sesame street, president's remarks are brought to you by the letter 0 and the number $16 trillion. campaigns can be grueling, exhausting. the president and i are lucky to have one person always in our corner, someone we can lean on and someone who is a comforting presence without whom we may not be able to go into the day. i have my wife, ann. he has bill clinton. we got a big dose of the biden charm last week, in his debate with paul ryan. i'm not sure all of the carrying on had quite the affect joe intended. afterwards i heard from the federal election commission from now on, whenever he appears on tv, there is a recording of me afterward saying "i'm mitt romney, a
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prove this message. >> this is the third time governor romney and i met recently. i have more energy in our second debate. i felt well rested after the nice long nap i had in the first debate. all though it turns out millions of americans focused in on the second debate who didn't focus in on the first debate. and i happen to be one of them. tomorrow, it's back to campaigning. and into cities and towns across our great country. i hear the same thing everywhere i go. honestly we're hoping to see michelle. and very to admit it can be a grind. sometimes it feels like this race dragged on forever. but paul ryan assured me we've
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only been running two hours and 50-something minutes. >> that is your last call. we're closing down shop. make sure you go to before we go, we want to wish a happy five-year birthday to fox business networks. good night from washington, d.c.. see you tomorrow night. go to gretawire. and fox right now, this is bill. "the o'reilly factor" is on. >> i went to a number of women's groups and said can you help us find folks. i brought binders full of women. >> binders full of women? apparently that has angered some liberal ladies. but why? what is wrong with that? we will have a special report. >> if, you, don't, trust, me, with, my, body, why, should, i, trust, you, with, me, my, country. >> and as they are catching the women's boat it is the w


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